After trademark application are examined, but before there are effectively registered, trademark registries publicly publish them for opposition. This gives an opportunity to the general public to raise any opposition to the registration of a candidate trademark. All trademark monitoring services alert owners of similar marks about these published trademarks so they can decide whether those published marks are likely to be confused with their own trademarks. In case an owner of an existing trademark finds that there is likelihood of confusion, he/she can oppose to the registration of the trademark or move to cancel a registered trademark, if registration has happened.
Those proceedings open a semi-judicial adversary review of both marks in which the trademark registry forms a panel of examiners that ultimately decide whether the opposed registration should be barred or cancelled or not.
Depending upon your needs within this process, our attorneys at Oppenheim Law can advise and represent you accordingly.
Oppenheim Law | Trademark Opposition and Cancellation Proceedings
2500 Weston Rd #209
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33331